Creating a Better You

The Natural Friction of Living

If we acknowledge the influence of nature’s forces as inevitable and necessary, why do we struggle to accept that friction, resistance, and adversity are equally essential to happiness?

Here are some self-analysis questions you can use today, to guide you on the path to understanding the healthy role adversity plays in your life.

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Work and Play

Don’t mix work and pleasure.   That is what I have heard most of my life.  You have your work life and you have you “life” life.   While I think the intention of this is well meant, the result is terrible.   Name a super successful person who didn’t mix their pleasure with their mission or work.  When I think…

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Rehumanizing the Service Industry

Stressful times can have a way of hanging like a cloud over our daily interactions.  And despite the best intentions, we are all susceptible to fixating on the cumulative adversity we face every day.  Whether you’re worried about your health, safety, equal opportunity, the upcoming election, your finances, the education of your children, your job,…

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Someday Is Not a Day of the Week

We all have something we want to achieve in life.  You would not be reading this if that were untrue.  We see proof of this daily here at Living Every Minute, as we cross paths with so many amazing people, all with different dreams and intentions.  Fascinatingly, regardless of where they are in life’s journey,…

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The Key to Abundance

The world can be a crazy place.   Many times, we are taught something our whole lives that just is not true.  For example, most of us were raised with the unfortunate belief that the blessings of the world, things like money, talent, love, and joy are limited resources.  Many believe that if someone has more,…

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Are You the Shark or the Chum?

A couple of years ago I was cage diving with Great White Sharks off the coast of South Africa. As I sat in a submerged cage watching as the bait of fish heads and a fake seal were floating in the water, anticipation and anxiety were building inside me. I simultaneously wanted to see a…

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Take Time to Go Deep

We live in a crazy fast world. We are constantly connected to everything and everyone else. I really do mean everything. Don’t believe me? Ask Google any question and find an instant answer. Find a video on anything you ask for on YouTube. Find all the friends you ever wanted—or didn’t want— on Facebook, Instagram,…

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How To Fail Successfully

Embrace Failure! We often spend our lives trying to avoid failure.  On the surface that makes sense, failure hurts.  It can be the source of much pain and frustration.  On the other hand, it is also the source of all learning and progress.  Think about anything you are good at.  I can guarantee you weren’t…

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Food = Zone and Exercise = Tone

Have you ever got on the scale and thought damn I need to get back to the gym? Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered what you need to do to change your diet? I’ve been thinking about this. When do you know which lever to pull? Is this a diet problem or…

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