Posts by Tim Reynolds, M.D.

The Myth of Work Life Balance

There were many years early on in adulthood where I felt like my life was out of balance. Despite the strongest efforts and best of intentions, I couldn’t ever get it so that each area of my life got equal amounts of attention. It seemed like an impossible task to give absolutely everything the energy…

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The Art of Commitment

“Grow up, and that is a terribly hard thing to do.  It is much easier to skip it and go from one childhood to another.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald Here’s a little secret:  The results we achieve in our business are a direct result of what we are committed to. Crazy, right? One of the people…

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Three Ways to Boost Your Business

As I type this, America is in the second calendar year of the COVID Pandemic. It is 2021 and businesses are having to pivot to find steady ground in an increasingly dynamic marketplace. Some gigantic names in industry have closed their doors forever. Some new businesses have rocketed to the forefront. What are we to…

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Three Steps to Empower Your Decision Makers

In The Decision Maker, Dennis Bakke argues that in most organizations the leaders make the decisions.  After all, they are the people most equipped to make the decisions, right?  Dennis challenges that thought, and I’m going to ask you to do the same.  Who in your business has the power, authority, and responsibility to make decisions?…

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The Strangest Secret

Who controls your life? At first, you might answer, “I do, duh!” But upon closer inspection, you might be surprised at the real answer. Men and women today suffer from a unique problem: Not taking time to think. In general, we get so busy “doing” that we forget to take time to think about why, or…

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The Difference Between Efficiency & Effectiveness

Susie was called into her supervisors office.  She knew what the conversation would be and dreaded going in there, but also wanted to get it over with.  Her supervisor said, “Susie, your productivity is not where it needs to be.”  Susie had seen her performance numbers so she was not surprised but she also felt like she…

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Three Conflict Resolution Strategies You Need to Know

Conflict is inevitable.  If you aspire to achieve anything of value or significance in life, you will encounter situations where people disagree with you in an emotional or even disruptive way.  The great news is, if someone is so emotionally invested in a subject you disagree with them on, it means they are passionate and willing to…

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Civility & Forgiveness

In the Lord’s Prayer, the fourth stanza says, “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.”    Three verses later the Lord says, “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”    Social media has created an environment where…

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The Key to Abundance

The world can be a crazy place.   Many times, we are taught something our whole lives that just is not true.  For example, most of us were raised with the unfortunate belief that the blessings of the world, things like money, talent, love, and joy are limited resources.  Many believe that if someone has more,…

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Get That Side Hustle

The advantage of 2020 over the rest of history is this: the internet.  You could go start a business tonight, for free, just on your phone. And, if it doesn’t work, you can change it next week. That doesn’t work either? Change it the week after. You can start a blog today. You could go…

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