Posts Tagged ‘decision making’
Three Steps to Empower Your Decision Makers
In The Decision Maker, Dennis Bakke argues that in most organizations the leaders make the decisions. After all, they are the people most equipped to make the decisions, right? Dennis challenges that thought, and I’m going to ask you to do the same. Who in your business has the power, authority, and responsibility to make decisions?…
Read MoreBusiness is a Hypothesis
Once, I sat in a board meeting listening to my friend and mentor, Keith Cunningham. He talked about getting better optics (one of his favorite topics) and how that helps to make better decisions. I started thinking about the times when I have made some bone-headed decisions. Ones that I look back on and wonder,…
Read MoreAre You Rowing in the Same Direction?
There is a difference between a job description and what a person should be spending their time doing. A job description is a tool used for hiring and training, so we know who to look for and what skill sets they have or need to acquire to fill their position. But the real question is,…
Read MoreWonder and the Art of Being Content
As it’s getting closer to this holiday season I’m getting more and more excited! Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. I love everything about the holiday. I love the shopping, the food, the parties, the gift-giving. I love Christmas trees and Christmas music. I have so many wonderful memories from my…
Read MoreWhat Are You Committed to?
“Grow up, and that is a terribly hard thing to do. It is much easier to skip it and go from one childhood to another.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald Here’s a little secret: The results we achieve in our business are a direct result of what we are committed to. Crazy, right? One of the people…
Read MorePass the Decision Making Hat
In The Decision Maker, Dennis Bakke argues that in most organizations the leaders make the decisions. After all, they are the people most equipped to make the decisions, right? Dennis challenges that thought, and I’m going to ask you to do the same. Who in your business has the power, authority, and responsibility to make decisions?…
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