Posts Tagged ‘balance’

The Myth of Work Life Balance

There were many years early on in adulthood where I felt like my life was out of balance. Despite the strongest efforts and best of intentions, I couldn’t ever get it so that each area of my life got equal amounts of attention. It seemed like an impossible task to give absolutely everything the energy…

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Work and Play

Don’t mix work and pleasure.   That is what I have heard most of my life.  You have your work life and you have you “life” life.   While I think the intention of this is well meant, the result is terrible.   Name a super successful person who didn’t mix their pleasure with their mission or work.  When I think…

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How to Create a Legacy of Leaders in Your Business

Guiding team members is a fine balance between deciding what I am responsible for and figuring out what they are responsible for. Additionally, when I’m training company leaders, it’s important they understand what their responsibilities are and what my expectations of them are. I spend a lot of time helping, training, and developing leaders because…

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Are You in the Wrong Room?

If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room… The one thing that I have been able to do over the last 20 years is to learn how to surround myself with people truly smarter than I am.  I know a lot of people talk about this, and a lot of…

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What Is the Most Important Thing In Your Life?

If I ask you the question, “What is the most important thing in your life?” what would you answer? My goal is to get you to reevaluate everything from your role in your business to your personal relationships and everything in between.  While I started off with a quote from a book I had read,…

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Are You Rowing in the Same Direction?

There is a difference between a job description and what a person should be spending their time doing.  A job description is a tool used for hiring and training, so we know who to look for and what skill sets they have or need to acquire to fill their position.  But the real question is,…

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The Balanced Life Myth

For years I felt like my life was out of balance. I couldn’t ever get it so that each area of my life got equal amounts of attention or as much attention as they needed. After years of frustration, I finally decided there is no such thing as balance, there is a better way to…

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Be Present

All my problems are in the past or the future. Very rarely are they in this exact moment. Because of this, it is easy to live in the past thinking about what I should have said or what I should have done. It is equally as easy to live in the future. What does the…

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Life Is the Horse, I Am the Rider

I read recently either Life is the rider and you are the horse, or you decide to be the rider and make Life the horse. I think life will be whichever you command it to be, but if you don’t choose, Life will be the rider and you will be the horse. The amazing part…

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