Posts Tagged ‘career’

Are You the Shark or the Chum?

A couple of years ago I was cage diving with Great White Sharks off the coast of South Africa. As I sat in a submerged cage watching as the bait of fish heads and a fake seal were floating in the water, anticipation and anxiety were building inside me. I simultaneously wanted to see a…

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Defining Who You Are

One of the biggest challenges facing any business is to decide what you are and what you represent.  What do you stand for?  How do you distinguish yourself from the competition?   What makes your business unique and different? Deciding on your values and your purpose is an undertaking that is well worth your time…

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Business is a Hypothesis

Once, I sat in a board meeting listening to my friend and mentor, Keith Cunningham. He talked about getting better optics (one of his favorite topics) and how that helps to make better decisions.  I started thinking about the times when I have made some bone-headed decisions. Ones that I look back on and wonder,…

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How to Create a Legacy of Leaders in Your Business

Guiding team members is a fine balance between deciding what I am responsible for and figuring out what they are responsible for. Additionally, when I’m training company leaders, it’s important they understand what their responsibilities are and what my expectations of them are. I spend a lot of time helping, training, and developing leaders because…

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Take Time to Go Deep

We live in a crazy fast world. We are constantly connected to everything and everyone else. I really do mean everything. Don’t believe me? Ask Google any question and find an instant answer. Find a video on anything you ask for on YouTube. Find all the friends you ever wanted—or didn’t want— on Facebook, Instagram,…

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How To Fail Successfully

Embrace Failure! We often spend our lives trying to avoid failure.  On the surface that makes sense, failure hurts.  It can be the source of much pain and frustration.  On the other hand, it is also the source of all learning and progress.  Think about anything you are good at.  I can guarantee you weren’t…

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Display Good Traits

Do we display good traits?  When people look at us what do they see?  As my friend, Brandon Johnson, would ask, “What kind of energy are we putting out to the world?”  Are we making it better or worse?  Are people happy we are here because we contribute to the betterment of all, or are…

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Why Time Away Is Good For Your Business

It never fails, right?  Just when you’re about to embark on the trip of a lifetime…  Something happens that causes you to question going.  Hurdles disguised as crises started to appear.  This isn’t a new phenomenon.  I have learned over the years that whenever I decide to take an extended vacation away from my businesses,…

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Are You in the Wrong Room?

If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room… The one thing that I have been able to do over the last 20 years is to learn how to surround myself with people truly smarter than I am.  I know a lot of people talk about this, and a lot of…

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Discovering THE Thing

In the book Good to Great by Jim Collins, he talks about the concept of the “flywheel.” In that chapter, he speaks about how great companies start by pushing a heavy flywheel. Companies start by struggling to push this flywheel, or the core idea of their business. Then, as they push more and more, it…

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